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Home | Teaching Schedule | Upcoming Events | Past Events | Club History | Our Dances | Photos | Links |
Our regular teaching sessions are from 7-8pm every thursday.
This was our 2023-2024 schedule for Thursday Nights:
SEPTEMBER 2023: | |
7 | Batrineasca - Romania (beginner) Anna Oye - Cuba - part 1 (intermediate) Susan |
14 | Dzup Dzup - Bulgaria (beginner) Dorothy Oye - Cuba (second part) Susan |
Review: Batrineasca - Anna | |
21 | Paraliakos - Greece (beginner) Anna |
Review: Dzup Dzup and Oye | |
28 | Review: Batrineasca, Oye, Dzup Dzup, Paraliakos |
OCTOBER 2023: | |
5 | Mavilim - Turkey (B) Anna Vrini se Vrini - Macedonia (B) Dorothy |
12 | Adelaide - Churchill dancing at St Philip School |
19 | Kali Tihi - Greece (B) Anna Joc de Fete - Romania (Int) Dorothy |
Review: Mavilim, Vrini se Vrini, Kali Tihi, Joc de Fete | |
26 | Review: Kali Tihi, Joc de Fete, Mavilim, Vrini se Vrini |
NOVEMBER 2023: | |
2 | Mikarov - Israel (Int) Donna Syrtos Kitrinou - Greece (B) Anna |
9 | Oglan Oglan - Turkey (B) Dorothy Perach Zehav - Israel (Int) Donna |
Review: Mikarov, Syrtos Kitrinou | |
16 | Vallija e Rrajces - Albania (B) Anna Ieven's Polka (Tokyo Polka) - Finnish (Int. four wall) Dorothy |
Review: Oglan Oglan, Perach Zahav | |
23 | Bahar - Georgian (B - but arm movements) Dorothy Tvardishko Horo - Bulgaria (Int) Anna |
Review: Vallja e Rrajces, Ieven's Polka (Tokyo Polka) | |
30 | Review: Mikarov, Syrtos Kitrinou, Oglan Oglan, Perach Zahav, Vallja e Rrajce, Ieven's Polka, Bahar, Tvardishko Horo |
DECEMBER 2023: | |
7 | Hora ca la Mahala - Romania (Roma) (Int) Anna Komt Vrienden in het Ronden - Netherlands (B) Dorothy |
14 | Horehronsky Csardas - Slovenia (B) Dorothy Lazarsko Horo - Bulgaria (B/I) Dorothy |
Review: Hora ca la Mahala, Komt Vrienden in het Ronden | |
21 | Christmas Party |
28 | |
JANUARY 2024: | |
4 | Ieven's Polka - Finnish (Beg./Int.) - taught by Dorothy Rona - Israel (Int.) - taught by Donna |
11 | Larsko Horo - Bulgaria (Beg./Int.) - taught by Dorothy Eshet Chayil - Israel (Adv.) - taught by Donna |
Review: Ieven's Polka; Rona | |
18 | Annual General Meeting (no teaching tonight) |
25 | Review: Ieven's Polka; Rona; Larsko Horo; Eshet Chayil |
FEBRUARY 2024: | |
1 | Atma Turku - Turkish (Int.) - taught by Dorothy Makedonska Devojce - Macedonia (Beg.) - taught by Anna |
Review: Larsko Horo; Eshet Chayil | |
8 | Lulja e Kurbinit - Albania (Int.) - taught by Dorothy Eshebo - Israel (Adv.) - taught by Donna |
Review: Atma Turku; Makedonska Devojce | |
15 | Ya Lel - Israel (B) - taught by Donna Balta de la Dunareni - Romania (A) - taught by Dorothy |
Review: Lulja e Kurbinit; Eshebo | |
22 | Vajzash Matjane - Albania - (B/I) Dorothy Erev Tov - Israel - (I/A) - Donna |
Review: Ya Lel; Balta de la Dunareni | |
29 | Review: Lulja e Kurbinit; Eshebo; Ya Lel; Balta de la Dunareni; Vajzash Matjane; Erev Tov; Atma Turku; Makedonska Devojce |
MARCH 2024: | |
7 | Mavromata - Greece - (B/I) Dorothy Eretz Ahuva - Israel - (A) Donna |
Review: Vajzash Matjane; Erev Tov | |
14 | Joc de Fete - Romania - (I) - Dorothy Hama'antezet - Israel - (B/I) - Donna |
Review: Mavromata; Eretz Ahuva | |
21 | Grada se Gradi - Bulgaria - (B/I) Dorothy Machol Rachel - Israel - (A) - Donna |
Review: Joc de Fete; Hama'antezet | |
28 | Review: Mavromata; Eretz Ahuva; Joc de Fete; Hama'antezet; Grada se Gradi; Machol Rachel |
APRIL 2024: | |
4 | Arnauteasca - Romania - (A) Dorothy Dudalas es ugros - Hungary - Anna |
Review: Machol Rachel; Grada se Gradi | |
11 | Zondaradikos - Greece - (B/I) Dorothy Valle Toskerishte - Albania - (B/I) Dorothy |
Review: Arnauteasca; V David | |
18 | Maki Maki - Roma, Serbia Dorothy Rata - Romania - (I) - Anna |
Review: Zondaradikos; Valle Toskerishte | |
25 | Review: Arnauteasca; V David; Zondaradikos; Valle Toskeishte; Maki Maki; Rata |
MAY 2024: | |
2 | V David - Israel - (B/I) Donna |
9 | Grand Review |
16 | Grand Review |
23 | Grand Review |
30 | Last Indoor Party Night |
JUNE 2024: | |
6 | First Dancing In the Park of the summer ! |
See Teaching Schedule for 2008-2009.
See Teaching Schedule for 2009-2010.
See Teaching Schedule for 2010-2011.
See Teaching Schedule for 2012-2013.
See Teaching Schedule for 2013-2014.
See Teaching Schedule for 2014-2015.
See Teaching Schedule for 2016-2017.
See Teaching Schedule for 2017-2018.
See Teaching Schedule for 2018-2019.
See Teaching Schedule for 2019-2020.
See Teaching Schedule for 2020-2021.
This page covers the Teaching Schedule for 2023-2024.
Click here to see This Year's Teaching Schedule (2024-2025).
Please note, the email addresses are written to avoid detection by spambots. Please copy them into your email program and adjust them as necessary. We apologize for the inconvenience.