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Home | Teaching Schedule | Upcoming Events | Past Events | Club History | Our Dances | Photos | Links |
Our regular teaching sessions are from 7-8pm every thursday.
This was our 2010-2011 schedule for Thursday Nights:
Click here to see This Year's Teaching Schedule.
September 2010: | |
2 | Opening night and welcome - no teaching |
9 | Teach: Chilili (Bolivia) Taught by Dorothy |
16 | Review: Chilili, Valle e Dardhes, Varnensko Horo |
Teach: Hora Fetalor (Romania) taught by Edna | |
23 | Review Chilili, Valle e Dardhes, Varnensko Horo, Hora Fetalor |
Teach: Passu Tarrau (Italy) taught by Dorothy | |
30 | Review Chilili, Varnensko Horo, Hora Fetalor, Passu Tarrau, Dance of Ikaria |
Teach: Teton Mountain Stamp (USA) taught by Dorothy and Edna | |
October: | |
7 | Review Hora Fetalor, Passu Tarrau, Dance of Ikaria, Teton Mountain Stamp |
Teach: Gori More (Serbia) taught by Dorothy | |
14 | Review: Passu Tarrau, Dance of Ikaria, Teton Mountain Stamp, Gori More |
Teach: Moj Dragane (Croatia) taught by Edna | |
21 | Review: Teton Mountain Stamp, Gori More, Moj Dragane |
Teach: Hora Nirkoda (Israel) taught by Edna | |
28 | Review all dances |
November: | |
4 | |
11 | |
18 | |
25 | |
December: | |
2 | |
9 | |
16 | REVIEW |
23 | |
30 | |
January 2011: | |
6 | |
13 | |
20 | |
27 | Annual General Meeting |
February: | |
3 | |
10 | |
17 | |
24 | |
March: | |
3 | |
10 | |
17 | |
24 | |
31 | |
April: | |
7 | |
14 | |
21 | |
28 | |
May: | |
5 | REVIEW of the year's dances |
12 | REVIEW of the year's dances |
19 | REVIEW of the year's dances |
26 | Party - Last day in the Hall before summer |
June: | |
2 | First Dancing In the Park of the Summer! |
See Teaching Schedule for 2008-2009.
See Teaching Schedule for 2009-2010.
This page covers the teaching schedule for 2010-2011.
See Teaching Schedule for 2012-2013.
See Teaching Schedule for 2013-2014.
See Teaching Schedule for 2014-2015.
See Teaching Schedule for 2016-2017.
See Teaching Schedule for 2017-2018.
See Teaching Schedule for 2018-2019.
See Teaching Schedule for 2019-2020.
See Teaching Schedule for 2020-2021.
Click here to see This Year's Teaching Schedule.
Please note, the email addresses are written to avoid detection by spambots. Please copy them into your email program and adjust them as necessary. We apologize for the inconvenience.